hopia, mani, popcorn, stork, garilyo

a smorgasborg of a blog, rolled into the head of a semi-neurotic, chainsmoker, who feeds into a bottle of Jack Daniels, while dipping his biscotti into a steaming hot triple tall, nonfat, caramel macchiato under the humid breeze of fiji in August.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Chances and Time Zone Motel (new music)

You can listen to all three songs here: Goodbye Lie, Time Zone Motel and Chances

Here's a video of chances (just trying out youtube, plus its a live recording)

Thanks for listening

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Goodbye Lie - original song

Goodbye Lie is now up.


(Original Song: Music by Marco Santos , Lyrics by me. Performers - Paul Barrogz (2nd Lead), Shikes Barbero (effects), Kris Daval-Santos(drums), Marco Santos (lead guitar and bass) and me on vocals. Mix by Raymund M. Santos)

Still not the final draft.

Ascap �2009 all rights reserved.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

I'm back...sort of....

Nobody missed my rants, I'm pretty sure. But lest you must know, I was just not in the mood to write about stuff. Working in an office makes you do that, he he.

I've started humming melodies again, and so far, I've got 5 pending songs to write. One already has the music, all I need is to fix the words and make sweet, sweet music.

I don't really want to perform what I write. I'll probably peddle these songs to someone else. Who knows.

Some pictures uploaded and three videos.


Thursday, January 08, 2009

My computer is critical condition

...plus I'm out of work, so minimal to no computer access. i hate this. I'm thinking of getting a laptop instead.

Hope everyone is doing a lot better than me.

Friday, December 26, 2008

A Crappy Christmas and here's hoping to a Brand New Year!!!!

It’s been a season that’s nowhere close to a celebration.

I’ve been so stressed lately because I heard a rumor that I’m going to be out of a job pretty soon. Not that I’m that much surprised, because it’s been an impending reality since we haven’t really producing, or in layman’s terms, getting a lot of clients.

I’m in the business, which unfortunately has been hit hard by the weakening of the real estate market (which is an understatement) and the recent recession woes.

I was in denial phase for the past 4 months.

I finally got the memo a week before Christmas.

On the more depressing news, I just got into a car accident. My car was hit hard on the driver’s side and its still in the shop and I couldn’t get it back until January 15th, 2009.

I’m out of a job, I got car troubles and the worst is that my whole left side hurts. My shoulder has shooting pains, my shoulder blade is very tender, my left ribs are sensitive to touch, and my left pelvic muscle hurts like hell.

To top all of this I’m almost broke. I’ve never had this experience before.

I do have money to spend until the end of January, which is perfect because it’s that time of the year where I get to file taxes and hopefully get a much needed rebate.

I do have a couple of jobs lined up. The interviews are not set up until next year, which is perfect timing, since I want to get really prepared for these interviews, since I wanted the line of work.

Anyway, Happy Holidays to everyone and here’s hoping that ya’ll had a better end of the year than me.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

fil-amusic.com 1st year anniversary - Yule Rock '08




Article coming soon!

Monday, December 08, 2008

Nothing ever hurt like you...

How long has it been?

Six years and counting….

Endless mimicry of moments of clarity…

And I still falter to that dark and gloomy place I was before. I guess I never really had any closure. I thought I did at some point, and maybe just tricked myself into thinking that I have.

Every other day, I keep wandering inside, looking for that feeling. The way you made me feel when we were still together. Everytime I get a glimpse of your face, I think I still have something left for you. Something more than what I had back then.

I’ve had recurring dreams about us. I never did understood what they meant. It feels so real everytime you’re there. Most of the time, I really just want to keep dreaming. In my dreams, I was never with you. You were always happy, content and glowing. Your smile always eluded me, but I see it. It’s just that, you were never back with me.

Why would I want to keep in that state, when all I would feel is envy?

One reason…is because I see you.

Nothing else matters, nothing in this whole wide world.





I need you more than ever. Though I’m not really pleading my case, I’m just letting it all out. I could steal you back. I did it once, I could do it again. Its crazy isn’t it?

It always is, when it’s you and I involved.

I could still remember you telling me…’don’t ever leave me. I don’t know what I’ll do if you left me’.

February 19, 2002.

That was the day I died.

Was it because I wasn’t there? I knew that you still have strong feelings for me when I saw you a few months after that fateful day. So strong, that I could have sworn you were telling me to stay and never leave again. A year after that passed. I saw you again, and that same sparkle was there whenever you look at me. I played it cool back then, didn’t I?

I got over you, yes.

I just never got over us.

Nothing ever hurt like you.

Nothing Ever Hurt Like You - James Morrison

pure fiction